You’re Good At Drawing, You Just Have To Find Your Style

If you have reached this post, maybe we don’t have to explain the importance of drawing in general and sketching in particular within the creative process of your graphic design. However, here are some of the reasons why you should never give up daring to express yourself through drawing: Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar (Traveler, there is no path, the path is made by walking) as the Spanish poet, Antonio Machado, would say.

Drawing is not a style of graphic design – it is a way of communicating that humanity has used since the stone age when they were already doing it with cave paintings. There is no such thing as a good or a bad drawing, but depending on the style it may be closer to reality or farther away from it. Artistic trends such as realism or hyperrealism tried to express themselves by getting closer to reality. However, with the discovery of photography, the artistic avant-gardes of the early twentieth century (Expressionism, Dadaism…) appeared, seeking to break with the status quo and innovate in themes and techniques, thus moving away from a faithful representation of reality. These avant-garde movements have also inspired graphic design artists and helped to consolidate it as a creative activity.

There are many different drawing styles, as many as there are artists who apply them. Today we are going to cite some of them to inspire you and start exploring some of the different techniques.



Talent and patience are key to this technique. It aims to get even closer to reality than photography itself. Within this style we want to introduce you to the Nigerian artist Patrick Onyekwere who gives a twist to the difficulty of the technique by using a blue pen to create his realistic portraits, taking extreme care of both the expression of the faces and the light they receive.

Patrick decided to use the ballpoint pen as a means of expression because it is an everyday, cheap object that everyone has access to and has been used by artists such as Andy Warhol and Alberto Giacometti, among others. In his work he uses the cross-hatching technique and the results are impressive.

If you can’t believe your eyes when you see his work, we invite you to stop by his website or Instagram and enjoy his talent, skill and creative process.

Line Drawing

One line art is a style of drawing that plays with minimalism and consists of drawing a recognizable silhouette without lifting the pencil from the paper. It is a highly appreciated technique in which great expressive strength is created from a single stroke, adding difficulty to the creation process. This technique is often combined with other techniques such as collage and has even become a trend in the world of tattooing or decoration, thanks to renowned artists such as Koketit, a multidisciplinary designer who uses facades, furniture and even stairs as supports for her work, thus turning the world into her canvas.

At Freepik you can find numerous options to explore this technique and get great results.


This type of drawing dates back to the 19th century, when magazines published comic and satirical illustrations. It encompasses a wide variety of different styles and has evolved over time. The many different styles include everything from anime or manga to Disney cartoons. It’s a semi-realistic drawing technique that avoids hyperrealistic representations.

In the cartoon style, as in caricature, features of the element to be drawn are usually exaggerated or minimized. The size of the eyes, the shape of the nose or some characteristic feature are the elements that stand out in this style. They are usually pleasant and harmonious drawings designed especially for children.

Our designers have created a large sample of drawings of this type with which you can experiment and create fun characters that will star in your best designs. It’s time to get rid of your fears, pick up pen and paper, and start sketching.

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